Nuclear Technology

This week’s class discussion was based on nuclear technology and how it affects our daily lives.  Nuclear technology is generally misunderstand in our society because it is always portrayed as destructive and dangerous to our civilization.  Popular images of nuclear technology include weapons, reactors, nuclear waste and the devastating effects of Hiroshima.  The images of mushroom cloud explosions are only partial images and our society has this “want it but not in my backyard” attitude towards nuclear reactors. 

When mentioning radon/radiation, our society has developed fear, controversy, misunderstandings and mistrust.  Our popular media portrays radiation in movies and comics including Dr. Strangelove, The Incredible Hulk and The Simpsons.  Radiation was first noticed in 1895 and contrary to popular beliefs, it could cure cancer and it has been used by the military.  There are different types of radiation including electromagnetic (x rays, gamma rays). 

Nuclear energy is created when nuclei of atoms are either split or merged together known as fission and fusion respectively.  Nuclear reactors produce energy and the world leaders of nuclear facilities are the U.S., Western Europe, and Japan.  Nuclear image is about national image and their pride, nuclear strength can be viewed as a form of nationalism.  During the Cold War era, the United States could have reacted to the Soviet Union by developing their nuclear weapons.  The United States distributed nuclear weapons to Iran during the Iran/Iraq conflict thus resulting in our current nuclear conflict.  Every country except North Korea, Pakistan, India, and Israel have ratified the Nonproliferation Treaty.  America’s intelligence on North Korea’s nuclear data is reported through China.

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